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Help and advice for consumers in Europe

It is a good rule always to carry a valid identification document: even though the Schengen Agreement abolished frontier controls in the greater part of the European Union (still excluded are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Rumania, and the United Kingdom), countries continue to have the ability to restore controls for reasons of public order. Always carrying a valid identification document like a passport or identity card, may prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences.

It is also advisable to carry the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), combined in Italy to one’s tax code, which gives the right to healthcare during temporary residence in a State Member of the EU.

Non-EU citizens require a passport valid for at least three months from the date of departure from the European Union country in which one intends to stay which has also been issued in a period less than 10 years before departure. It is also necessary to have the appropriate visa, if required.

EU citizens who intend to stay in an EU country for more than three months may be required to register as resident with the local authorities. In this case it shall be necessary to be in possession of:

  • a valid identity document
  • a document certifying the possession of health insurance
  • a work permit or, if a student, a certificate of registration at a recognised institution and a document showing the capacity to maintain oneself independently without the need for subsidies (this also required of pensioners).

Directive 2011/24/EU guarantees EU citizens the right to healthcare, to the choice of a medical professional and the health facility, to recognition of prescriptions issued in the country of residence and refund of expenses for medical devices, medicines, and services, in accordance with the tariffs applicable in one’s own country. In Italy, refunded is usually deposited within 60 days of presentation of a properly documented claim.

It is a good rule, when travelling, always carry the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), usually issued together with the national health card.

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